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客户名称: Arden Studio — Beauty, Durability & Sustainability

      Arden Studio crafts customizable glass writing boards, mobile panels, screens & partitions. Arden Studio are design fanatics who use glass as a foundational material to inspire you to build a bolder, more beautiful space — one that inspires flexibility, innovation and ideation.
Arden Studio是致力于定制的玻璃书写板,移动面板,屏幕和隔板的一家工作室。Arden Studio是设计的狂热者,他们使用玻璃作为基础材料,激励你去建造一个更大胆、更美丽的空间——一个可以激发灵活性、创新和创意的空间。

 项 目: A folded lookbook, for example, provides an introduction to Arden Studio, highlighting the unique product offering and the brand’s commitment to sustainability. The lookbook is included with any glass sample material color request. Architects and designers receive the glass samples, painted with water-based paints, in a recycled mailer carton and the folded lookbook printed on Mohawk Options 100% PC White paper.
例如,一本折页,介绍了Arden Studio,着重介绍了他们独特的产品和品牌对可持续发展的矜持。折页包含了可供选择的任何玻璃样品材料的颜色。建筑师和设计师将收到这份玻璃样品,它们是放在一个可重复使用的信封里,折页里面是玻璃样品上,涂上相应的水性油漆,信封和折页都是印刷在用Mohawk Options 100%用后再生浆系列纸张上。在设计这款折页时候,Arden Studio也非常坚持公司一贯的理念,就是选择环保,可持续性的材料。

 纸 张: Options(奥然再生)  


Every good design starts with good materials. For each component that goes into an Arden Studio product, they?consider its beauty, durability, and sustainability. It is their belief that thoughtfully selecting their?materials leads to better quality product offerings, which will inspire greener, more creative workspaces. Because of this belief, all Arden Studio printed collateral from business cards to notecards to brochures have to communicate attention to detail, craft, and commitment to sustainability.?The paper stock communicates quality, craft and attention to detail, which are tenants that align with the Arden Studio brand. It was also important that the lookbook communicate the steps and care taken in the printed piece, selecting the paper, just like Arden Studio?takes care in selecting any component that goes into the products they create.
每一个好的设计都源于好的材料。对于Arden Studio每个产品的每一个组件,他们都考虑它的美观、耐用性和可持续性。他们相信,深思熟虑地选择材料会带来更好的产品质量,进而将激发更环保、更有创意的工作空间。基于这一信念,所有Arden Studio的印刷物料,从名片到记事本到宣传册,都必须传达对于细节、工艺的重视和对可持续发展的承诺。奥然再生系列的高品质,环保理念,对细节的追求,匠人的用心制造与Arden Studio的理念不谋而合。正如Arden Studio对产品每一个细节和步骤的用心,在这次印刷品的选择和制作上,Arden Studio也用心的选择最好最合适的材料。

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